Kayak Journey Update: 6/5/17
Saturday (5/27) we started from Wind Point Lighthouse on calm waters and had 2 very nice Harbor crossings, not normal! We also paddled through Milwaukee Harbor and Joe will tell you it wasn’t too bad but I was a nervous paddler. We have had much worse conditions but it was the amount of time it took to make the distance. It also took about 30 minutes of waiting before we could get out, we had a bit of boat traffic. About 2 miles outside the harbor we had a surprise, a deer, half a mile out in the lake and heading out. Joe went out and directed it back and we paddled one on each side and headed it to shore. It was making good time, about 3 miles per hour and when it hit shore it didn’t stop to rest, just took off running. It was very cool. We ended our day at Klode Park, 26 1/2 miles.
Sunday we had our good friend Don Anderson join us on the water. We put in at Klode Park and as soon as we set off it started raining. We had 3 1/2 hours of steady hard rain and the fog rolled in to make it impossible to make crossings, we had to hug shore all the time. We had another very calm harbor crossing. We saw 3 more deer, not swimming, tons of gulls, at least 2 dozen huge fish and loads of alewives floating dead. The Ranger said they are fragile and when the water temperature changes many of them die.
Monday, Memorial Day, we relocated the camper to Kohler-Andrae State Park in Sheboygan. Its beautiful and relaxing. It has boardwalks in the Dunes. Also has a marsh boardwalk that is relaxing and has benches for sitting. I love this park and am adding it to our list of recommended spots to visit. Audra and Vince, my daughter and son-in-law, visited also and it was great to hug family again. We walked the beach and the Dunes and also went to Perkins for supper. Vince is also our website designer….he is an amazing web master and he is very highly recommended!!!
Tuesday we paddled 12 miles and met a reporter from WITI Fox 6 out of Milwaukee. They had a drone to record us paddling in then interviews with each of us. It’s outside our comfort zones but if it helps raise money for our cause we will deal with it.
Tuesday we we made it to Manitowoc and it was a good but uneventful day on the water. We did have pelicans with us all day. We made 26 1/2 miles.
Thursday we left Manitowoc and had a great start to our day. By 11:30 we had 18 miles in. We had lunch and were back on the water in an hour with 1 foot rollers, real pleasant for about a mile then we got wild winds and 3 foot whitecaps that we fought for 3 miles till we could find a stretch of shore to land on. That ended our day and after 22 miles. We camped on shore near a nuclear plant. Our beach was very small, thank goodness we had a tarp to put up and protect us from the wind. We also found out that our support crew had been in an accident and our truck was totaled. Everyone was OK, thank goodness, however it does leave us dealing with a mess and scrambling to readjust this adventure.
Friday it was an 8 mile day that took us to Kewaunee. We had called in the Reserves to rescue us. Bob and Marilyn Blake delivered our boat trailer to us to transport our boats and they hauled our camper back to my hometown. You just can’t beat good friends and they are the best. We are dealing with insurance, banking and truck hunting. We plan to get back on the water but have a mess to clear up first. Please stay tuned and keep on considering our cause, pediatric brain cancer research. We appreciate all of your support and encouragement. No matter what, the most important part of all this are the children we can help with your support.
Thank you again!